Tractor Nation is dedicated to helping grow the mission of FIRST and to advance the importance of STEAM in the Mason community. One goal of our program is to develop caring individuals who see the needs of others and take action to support them. In our rookie season, we were the recipients of technical support and gracious professionalism from veteran FRC teams. We strive to pay it forward to other teams, individuals, and community groups.
We supply robots and student volunteers for local school and community events. We utilize our robotics center to support local teams with tools and machinery, technical skills training, and a place to practice. We have adopted local families during holiday seasons, provided scholarships for students in financial need and graduating seniors, and hosted an off-season event supporting the LGBTQ+ FIRST community.
To expand our physical outreach, FRC 3655 Tractor Technicians developed a mobile machine shop to allow our students and mentors the ability to travel to local schools, neighboring teams, and FIRST in Michigan events providing access to necessary equipment when and where it is needed. "Tractor Nation on Location" has been used in Mason, Jackson, Battle Creek, and at the FRC Michigan State Championship.